Saturday, May 1, 2010

Haidyns Five!!!

Five years ago I was blessed with an amazing little boy, being my last and a boy I was so excited!! When we first decided on his name I wanted it to be a little different so thats why we decided on Haidyn and not the traditional spelling. I had no idea he was already going to be set apart all on his own. When he was just 6 months old he was diagnosed with left hemispheric cortical dysplasia. ( just a long name for only half of his brain functions.) I was devistated and at that time we were told he could possibly be a vegtable. I am happy to announce that five years later and just a few inconviences he is as normal as any other boy!! He had a tractor party! The morning of his party he woke up bright and early came in my room and said "its my poo poo potty??" thats what it sounds like when he says birthday party lol... (it took us a bit to figure out what he was saying.) He was soo excited to pick out his decorations and cake. He is such a sweet Happy boy. I was nostalgic and looked at all his baby pictures the night of his birthday, (and of course bawled), and in all of his pictures he has that same adorable grin!! He was so nice to all of his guests and told them all thank you. there was only one gift that he wasnt super thrilled about, the clothes me and tom got him, he tossed them all out of the bag just looking for anything FUN that might have been hidden in there. upon opening each gift he would say "YES..... thats awsome!!" so excited. It makes me so happy to be able to take part in the simple pleasures of my kids. How easily pleased they are. Thank you Haidyn for showing me that strength comes in all sizes, for always making me laugh and for allowing me to be apart of your fasinating little life. I can just imagine all the things you will do. Keep trying and never let anyone stop you from doing anything you set your mind to!! I love you with all my heart.