Monday, November 3, 2008

Cookie monsters!!

Today we got down and dirty making our favorite Halloween treats. Sugar cookies that the kids had a blast decorating. Even baby killian,(he likes throwing everything off the table!) Kristy got a Boo flyer on her door with some treats so she had to make some to put at her neighbors house. So i guess I got conned into it! (she really didn't have to try to hard!) I can't believe how much fun they all had and how creative they were with there cookies. I am not one for messes and let me tell you I was cleaning up green frosting for days! I laughed every time I opened up the cookie bin and each of my kids new exactly wich of the cookies were theirs! I cant even remember what I did yesterday!! haha so on with the Halloween Festivities!! We ended the night with some fine lookin vampires! I was laughing so hard they all looked so silly with those big teeth. Tom and Kelly were even disscussing if they could be eatin. Oh what fun conversations!! Yeah For HALLOWEEN!!

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