Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Me... without the fluff!!!

ok... so I know that most of the time I blog about uplifting stuff but, this time I blogging about the 1% time that I have my guard down When im the most vulnerable! I know that I'm not the perfect wife mother sister daughter or friend but, I do try my best and feel I would give anyone the shirt off my back! but I just don't know if I am as faithful as I once was... In the peopple I've intrusted with my life...or the desicions I have made?? am I wrong in questioning my own ability and the ability I thought I would have in making decisions for another persons life??? so many things can happen in this world and im scared to death for my children. I know that I can not keep them by me forever and they would not grow if I did not let them out into this very big and very scarey world..... but apart of me thinks if I just held on a littler longer.... a little tighter they wouldn't want to go!! Other than my 7 year old thinks shes 17!!! arggg.... she just doesnt understand the dangers of this world!!! nor do I think I ever will. i Just know this is me. I'm over protective maybe kinda crazy but, the one and only thing I know Is I LOVE my kids and would do anything for them, regardless of my own suffering. thats all I can do! Im sure I don't make sense to most of you, (tom always say's I dont make sense when I'm rambling) but I just had to get that off m y chest.I hope somebody out there understands the desire for a perfect household but is humble in knowing that the perfect household is only in heaven ..... with love Keri!


thetoddfamily said...

Thats was wonderfully worded! i think most of us( probaly more women than men) feel this way, most of the time! Well at least i know i do!!

Lacy said...

Oh Keri, I think that as women we all think that way at some point. I do most of the time. I have to say, and I know some people would argue with me, but if a mom never worries about there child and never thinks I don't want them to grow up and leave can they really be considered a mom?